SGScript is a dynamic, procedural language, similar in syntax to many other programming languages, including C and JavaScript. It consists of various operations and structures that can be combined to specify operations and data that they use.
The basics - quickly covers the basics but doesn't get into much detail
Flow control - how to run a part of the code, at specific moments
Advanced concepts - not the first necessary things, helpful nonetheless
Functions are reusable blocks of code. To call a function means to do what's specified in the function.
function printText()
println( "text" );
Basic function definitions have the following syntax: function <name> ( <argument-list> ) { <code> }
Argument list is a comma-separated list of names or nothing.
Names, also called "identifiers", can have the folowing symbols: a-z, A-Z, _, 0-9, but they cannot start with a digit, because only numbers can start with a digit.
User-defined names cannot collide with so-called keywords - special names, like function
y = 15.51;
x = 3 * y + 10;
x * y;
Each expression statement ends with ";".
Useful expression statements include an assignment operator or a function call, or both.
All expression statements presented so far - except the last one - are useful.
The assignment operator is "=". It simply assigns the value on the right side to the item on the left side.
Numbers use the point (".") as decimal digit separator.
There are arithmetic operators available that take two items at each side (called "binary operators").
The operators used in the example are those of addition ("+") and multiplication ("*").
include "math";
function sinc( x )
xpi = x * M_PI;
return sin( xpi ) / xpi;
sinc3 = sinc( 3 );
Functions may return with or without data. When they do return data, that data can be retrieved from the call.
A basic function call has the syntax <name> <subexpression>
A subexpression has the syntax ( <expression-list> )
Expression list is a comma-separated list of expressions or nothing.
The include statement loads a library or a code file.
math is one of the few built-in libraries. In this example, it defines the function sin and the constant M_PI
x = 1; y = 2;
x += y;
Shortcuts exist for common operations: combined assignment operators and increment/decrement operators.
Most non-assignment binary operators have their assignment counterparts. The difference is that they assign the calculated value to the left side of the expression.
Increment/decrement operators are shortcuts for x += 1 and x -= 1, respectively.
There are alternative versions of these operators that will be covered later.
x = 5; y = 3;
x *= y * ( y + x );
y -= x + x * y;
y += 5 * y += y;
printvar( y );
println( dumpvar( x ) );
There's very few limits on how the expressions can be combined so it's up to you to write them in a way the meaning is clear both to you and the compiler.
A very useful tool for finding out the contents of a variable are the printvar / dumpvar functions.
println is a function that prints the given variables to standard output and moves write cursor to the next line.
Order of arithmetic operations is mathematically correct: sub-expressions ( .. ) are evaluated first, then multiplication * / division / / modulo (remainder) % , and then - addition + and subtraction - .
x = 5;
global y = 6;
function z()
a = 7;
global b = 8;
function c(){}
Variables are the currency of this language.
There are 4 types of variable storage, two of which are covered in the example: local and global variables.
In the example, variables x, a, c are local and y, z, b are global.
All new variables are local by default.
The keyword global specifies a list of variables that are global and allows to assign their values.
A function definition creates a global function variable outside other functions, local otherwise.
// testing the assignment operator
a = 5;
/* this ----------
-- should print --
------------- 5 */
println( a ); ////
Code can contain comments. They can be used to communicate between various users and maybe even compilers of the code.
The SGScript compiler completely ignores comments.
There are two types of comments: single-line comments // ... and multiline comments / ... /
a = null;
b = true;
c = 123;
d = 123.456;
e = "text";
There's a total of 9 data types in SGScript: null, boolean, integer, real number, string, function, C function, object and pointer.
null is the 'no value' type. There is only one value for the type.
Boolean is a true/false type.
Integers and real numbers are two ways to represent numbers in the language. Both have their uses, however generally they're interchangable.
The string type stores an array of bytes, generally meant to store text but can be used for any data.
f = function(){ return 4; };
g = println;
h = io_file(); // returns a file object
i = toptr(100);
Functions and C functions are not as much data types as they are code types. One represents a function defined in SGScript code and another represents a function defined in C/C++ code.
As with numbers, both function types are generally interchangable but have some major differences.
Objects are universal, yet somewhat heavy types with a variable number of subtypes. They can represent data structures as well as interfaces and even act like functions.
Pointers are basically integers that have restricted manipulation capabilities and a separate processing chain, useful for passing handles and memory addresses in a safe way.
arr = [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ];
println( arr[2] ); // prints 5
println( arr[4] ); // warning: index out of bounds
println( arr.size ); // prints 4
Array is a complex data type, a subtype of object. It contains a list of other variables.
Sub-variables can be accessed with index [ .. ] and property . operators.
Be aware that not all sub-variables can be read and not all of them can be written. Systems will often report the same warnings for variables that don't exist and those that don't support the required operation.
The array's size property returns the length of the array, the number of variables in it.
arr = [];
arr.push( 5 );
x = arr.pop();
arr.unshift( 4 );
y = arr.shift();
Objects can have methods. Methods can be called through property access, this compiles to a special call where the object is passed through a special channel.
Other sub-variable accessors don't support the method call, however it is possible to invoke in other ways, to be described in further sections.
Array methods shown in the example are the stack/queue interface of the array. Push/pop deals with the end of the array, shift/unshift works on the beginning.
More info on array and its methods can be found in the documentation: array [object]
Objects can have non-numeric indices. All variable types are allowed for keys but not all maintain their value in all objects.
Objects of dict type (generated by the dict literal {} or function dict()) store string keys. Documentation: dict [object]
Objects of map type (generated by the map function) store literally all kinds of keys. Documentation: map [object]
dict object is expected to be the building block of most data stored because it is most accessible.
myObj = { x = 5, y = 7 };
function myObj.moveLeft(){ --this.x; }
myObj.moveLeft(); // method call
function myObj_moveRight(){ ++this.x; }
myObj!myObj_moveRight(); // compatible call
There are many ways to make and two ways to call functions that work on objects.
1. Create a method by specifying <variable-name> . <property-name> for the name.
2. Create a plain function.
3. Create an anonymous method by using the following syntax: <variable-name> . <property-name> = function ( ) <code> or assigning any callable to a property.
Either way, this can be used inside the function to access the associated object.
foreach( name : [ "one", "two", "three" ] )
println( name ); // prints one, two, three
foreach( key , : _G )
println( key ); // prints names of all global variables
foreach( key, value : myObject )
if( string_part( key, 0, 2 ) == "!_" )
println( value ); // print all values for keys beginning with "!_"
foreach loops give read-only values (they can be written to but source will not be updated).
foreach( value : data )
if( value === false )
if( value )
It is possible to stop loop execution with break or jump to the next iteration with continue.
break will skip to code right after the loop.
continue will skip to right before the end of the loop.
It is also possible to specify the loop number (within the function/global scope, counting from innermost, starting at 1) to go to.
Bitwise operations
hex = 0x12400;
bin = 0b10011010;
b_or = hex | bin ^ hex & bin;
There are constant formats and bitwise operations for dealing with integers on the bit level.
The following integer constant formats are available:
Binary (base 2): begins with "0b", followed by some binary digits (0,1)
Octal (base 8): begins with "0o", followed by some octal digits (0-7)
Decimal (base 10): contains only decimal digits (0-9)
Hexadecimal (base 16): begins with "0x", followed by some hexadecimal digits (0-9,a-f,A-F)
These operators are available for doing bitwise operations:
binary AND / AND-assign: &, &= - returns 1 if both sides are 1
binary OR / OR-assign: |, |= - returns 1 if any side is 1
binary XOR / XOR-assign: ^, ^= - returns 1 if either side is 1, but not both
unary NOT: ~ - inverts bits
left shift / left shift-assign: <<, <<= - move all bits to the left (more significant positions)
right shift / right shift-assign: >>, >>= - move all bits to the right (less significant positions)
The main difference from other languages is that the integer type by default is 64 bits long. Left/right shift rules are equal to those of the C language. Thus, it is safe to use only shift distances between 0 and 63.
Truth tables for AND/OR/XOR operations
This section describes all supported ways to compile SGScript and integrate it into your project.
There are two kinds of downloads - source and binaries. All downloads are available in the download page. Source files are hosted on Github.
Even though master branch is supposed to be the 'stable' branch, it is highly suggested that apidev branch is tried first since it is the most up-to-date branch, it is expected that generally less bugs are there. master branch is more thoroughly tested at the time of release and apidev may contain recent changes that subtly break the build.
Open a terminal (cmd on Windows, sh on Linux/Mac) window in SGScript source root directory.
Run make (mingw32-make on Windows), optionally specifying targets and options.
The syntax is make <target|option>[, <target|option> ...]
To build only the library, just write make;
To build all tools (VM, compiler, plug-in modules), write make tools.
On Windows, a batch file can be used to enable the usage of make (create a file make.bat in C:\MinGW\bin directory or equivalent, add the directory to PATH if it's not there):
SGS_CTX = sgs_CreateEngine(); // SGS_CTX is alias to `sgs_Context* C`
sgs_Include( C, "something" );
sgs_ExecFile( C, "myscript.sgs" );
sgs_DestroyEngine( C );
To do any kinds of operations with the scripting engine, it is first required to create it with sgs_CreateEngine or sgs_CreateEngineExt.
When it's no longer necessary, it should be destroyed with sgs_DestroyEngine to free all used resources.
Scripts can be loaded in many different ways. In this case, lookup differs:
sgs_Include tries to find the right file using the search path, and it supports loading of native libraries.
The search path is a special string on SGS_PATH that contains a combination of possible locations and extensions.
sgs_ExecFile expects a specific file and supports only script files (both compiled and source).
sgs_GlobalCall( C, "main", 0, 0 ); // may fail but it's not important in this case
There are many ways to call functions. The easiest way is to call a global function.
The arguments for sgs_GlobalCall are:
context pointer
global variable name
number of arguments to be passed (taken from the stack)
number of expected return values (to be pushed on stack if successfully called the function)
sgs_PushBool( C, 1 );
sgs_PushInt( C, 42 );
sgs_PushReal( C, 3.14159 );
sgs_PushString( C, "some C string" );
sgs_PushStringBuf( C, "not\0really\0C\0string", 19 );
sgs_PushPtr( C, C );
sgs_PushGlobalByName( C, "main" ); // assuming this does not fail
sgs_Call( C, SGS_FSTKTOP, 6, 1 ); // calls function from global 'main' with 6 arguments and expects 1 value in return
// again, it's assumed that sgs_Call does not fail
// ...but it may, so checking return value is a very good idea
Function arguments can be passed by pushing data on the stack.
There are many kinds of pushing functions, some of these push exact data.
Others push data from internal sources - therefore they can fail..
..for example, PushGlobal may not find a variable with that name - in that case, nothing is pushed and SGS_ENOTFND is returned.
There are also function-calling functions. They have certain expectations:
1. Function must be the last (topmost) item on stack.
2. There must be at least N more items on stack - where N is total argument count.
3. Function argument must be callable (function type / object with 'call' interface function)
If a call fails...
stack size issues - stack is left unchanged
execution errors - stack has the expected number of return values, all set to null
if( SGS_CALL_FAILED( sgs_GlobalCall( C, "func", 0, 3 ) ) )
/* handle the error */; // it is important this time since stack state matters
sgs_Int i = sgs_GetInt( C, -3 ); // first return value
const char* string_ptr = NULL;
sgs_SizeVal string_size = 0;
if( sgs_ParseString( C, -2, &string_ptr, &string_length ) )
/* successfully parsed a string, deal with it */;
sgs_Bool b = sgs_GetBool( C, -1 );
sgs_Pop( C, 3 ); // remove all 3 returned values from top of the stack
There are various ways to validate and read back data from the engine:
Get*** functions: return converted data without doing in-place conversions
To*** functions: convert data in-place, then return it
Parse*** functions: check if it's possible to convert, then return converted data
Items are removed from top of the stack with sgs_Pop.
sgs_PushBool( C, 1 );
sgs_PushInt( C, 42 );
sgs_PushReal( C, 3.14159 );
sgs_PushArray( C, 3 ); // pushes an array with 3 items, made from 3 topmost stack items
sgs_PushString( C, "some C string" );
sgs_PushStringBuf( C, "not\0really\0C\0string", 19 );
sgs_CreateDict( C, NULL, 2 ); // pushes a dictionary with one entry, made from 2 topmost stack items
Basic objects (array, dict, map) can be easily pushed on the stack too.
sgs_CreateArray takes the specified number of topmost stack items, puts them into the array and removes them from the stack
sgs_CreateDict and sgs_CreateMap take the specified number of topmost stack items, map values to keys and remove them from the stack
The number of items must be a multiple of 2. First item of each pair is a key, second - value for that key.
Keys can be repeated, only the last value is used.
int sample_func( SGS_CTX )
char* str;
float q = 1;
SGSFN( "sample_func" );
if( sgs_LoadArgs( "s|f", &str, &q ) )
return 0;
// ... some more code here ...
sgs_PushBool( C, 1 );
return 1; // < number of return values or a negative number on failure
all C functions must have the return type int and one sgs_Context* argument
SGSFN is used to set the name of the function, the name will be used in:
error printing
profiler output generation
sgs_LoadArgs does type-based argument parsing
's' requires a value that can be converted to a string, returns to passed char**
'f' requires a value that can be converted to a real value, returns to passed float*
'|' makes all arguments after it optional (always initialize data passed to those!)
there are many more options and features for this function, for the whole list, see sgs_LoadArgs
Sub-items are variables that can be found inside other variables via property/index access.
The API offers a huge variety of functions that deal with sub-items.
It is important to note the cascading nature of these API functions - if one doesn't do the exact thing, there's usually a function that gives more control.
All of these three global property retrieval methods offer various levels of control.
To take more control means also taking responsibility for stack state and error codes.
This is clearly not done in the example but is highly encouraged at all times, as good practice.
It is possible to both read and write from/to sub-items.
There are 4 sets of functions, each with a different prefix and behavior semantic.
Get*** functions load the property/index to the specified prepared location.
Set*** functions save the property/index, taking it from the specified location.
Push*** functions load the property/index and push it at the top of the stack.
Prefer index access (isprop=0) to property access since the general convention is that indices provide raw access but property access can be augmented with function calls.
There are two ways to create objects. Pointer to external data / in-place allocation.
First way simply means that a data pointer is set to whatever value you want.
Second way sets the data pointer to memory space followed by internal data, for which the internal data allocation is extended by the specified number of bytes.
The in-place allocated block does not need to be freed explicity.
This generally requires one less allocation to be performed.
It is very important that all memory operations on in-place allocated blocks do not, at any time, operate beyond the boundaries of those blocks. Be especially wary of putting arrays at the beginning of a structure since accidentally applying negative indices to such arrays could create issues that are extremely hard to debug.