Math library ("math")
This library contains the basic math functions for processing real values.
- abs - returns the absolute value of x
- floor - returns rounded-down value of x
- ceil - returns the rounded-up value of x
- round - returns the rounded-to-nearest-integer value of x
- pow - returns x to the power of y
- sqrt - returns a square root of x
- log - returns the logarithm (power) of x for base y
- sin - returns the sine of x
- cos - returns the cosine of x
- tan - returns the tangent of x
- asin - returns arcsine (angle for sine value) of x
- acos - returns arccosine (angle for cosine value) of x
- atan - returns arctangent (angle for tangent value) of x
- atan2 - returns arctangent of x and y, using both values to extend the range of returned value
- deg2rad - returns x degrees as radians
- rad2deg - returns x radians as degrees
- M_*** - mathematical constants
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