sgs_Global*** [functions]
sgs_Bool sgs_GlobalBool( sgs_Context* C, const char* name )
sgs_Int sgs_GlobalInt( sgs_Context* C, const char* name )
sgs_Real sgs_GlobalReal( sgs_Context* C, const char* name )
char* sgs_GlobalStringBuf( sgs_Context* C, const char* name, sgs_SizeVal* outsize )
char* sgs_GlobalString( sgs_Context* C, const char* name )
Retrieve a global variable, converted to the specified type.
sgs_GlobalString[Buf] pushes the variable on the stack to be able to reliably return the string pointer
- If variable is not found, 0 / NULL is returned.
- If string cannot be parsed (variable is null or a function), NULL is returned.
- This is done because converting these values does not yield useful results with global variables.