sgs_LoadArgsExt(VA) [function]
SGSBOOL sgs_LoadArgsExt( sgs_Context* C, int from, const char* cmd, ... )
SGSBOOL sgs_LoadArgsExtVA( sgs_Context* C, int from, const char* cmd, va_list* args )
Parse the stack items and retrieve their data according to cmd
, starting from item from
- For anything function requires, pass the value; for anything it returns - the pointer to the value.
is a string consisting of one-character commands.
- The commands are grouped into two kinds: control commands and parsing commands.
- Function returns whether all required arguments have been parsed successfully;
- thus, if function returns < 1, state of outputs is somewhat unknown unless filled with defaults;
- it is guaranteed that all arguments will be parsed from first (specified) forward, not in any other way;
values in optional arguments are skipped (this may not apply to custom checking functions).
control commands
-- only check, do not write the result and do not require a pointer to write the data to
-- enable strict parsing for the next item (requires exactly the type specified
-- enable (-) or disable (+) treating integers as signed (default = true)
-- mark the point where required arguments end and optional arguments begin
-- do range checking on integer arguments (min/max of the required types)
-- clamp the argument to the range of the required type
-- ignore ranges and chop out-of-range integers (default)
-- move argument pointer 1 item back (cannot move it before 0)
-- move argument pointer 1 item forward
-- specify that this is a method (argument 0 = 'this'; shifts argument indices on error printing by -1)
-- specify the end of argument list (how many arguments are expected)
parsing commands
-- check for null
(returns SGSBOOL = 1, always strict)
-- check for bool
(returns sgs_Bool)
-- check for int
(returns int8_t or uint8_t, depending on sign settings, may check ranges)
-- check for int
(returns int16_t or uint16_t, depending on sign settings, may check ranges)
-- check for int
(returns int32_t or uint32_t, depending on sign settings, may check ranges)
-- check for int
(returns int64_t or uint64_t, depending on sign settings, may check ranges)
-- check for int
(returns sgs_Int, may check ranges)
-- check for int
(returns int or unsigned int, depending on sign settings, may check ranges)
-- check for real
(returns float)
-- check for real
(returns double)
-- check for real
(returns sgs_Real)
-- check for string
(returns char*)
-- check for string
(returns char* string and sgs_SizeVal size)
-- check for func/cfunc/object with CALL
(callables) (returns SGSBOOL = 1)
-- check for thread
(returns sgs_Context*)
-- check for array
(returns sgs_SizeVal size, use -1 as starting value to check optional arguments)
-- check for dict
(returns sgs_SizeVal size, use -1 as starting value to check optional arguments)
-- check for map
(returns sgs_SizeVal size, use -1 as starting value to check optional arguments)
-- check for specific object
(requires sgs_ObjInterface* interface, returns <type>* data - the data pointer)
-- check for any object
(returns sgs_ObjInterface* interface)
-- check for pointer
(returns void* data - the pointer)
-- check for any (non-null if strict, returns sgs_Variable data)
-- call a custom checking function (requires sgs_ArgCheckFunc, everything else depends on function)